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CoreSenses delivers the Arrowsmith Program fulltime and part time online and in person.

The Arrowsmith Program is designed to help students reach their learning potential by offering exercises that improve a range of cognitive abilities. Individual Learning Programs are created based on a comprehensive cognitive assessment which is undertaken before commencing in the Program.  Coresenses facilitates all the exercises using highly qualified Arrowsmith trained teachers. Delivery of the program follows the Australian academic year (February to December).



Assessments are available as a part of our full-time and part-time core programs.

They are also available separately from the Program.

Duration: 4hr, one on one session



The Symbol Relations Cognitive Enhancement program was created to improve literacy, numeracy and logical thinking.

Duration: Academic School year



The Arrowsmith Program is designed to help students reach their learning potential by offering exercises that improve a full range of cognitive abilities.

Duration: Academic School year




The Motor Symbol Sequence program is designed to improve handwriting, tracking and problem solving.

Duration: Academic School year

Intensive Programs


The Symbol Relations exercise was created to improve, literacy, numeracy and logical thinking

Duration: 8 weeks,

4 hours a day 5 days a week



The in person only Symbol Relations exercise was created to improve, literacy, numeracy and logical thinking

Duration: 6 weeks,

4 hours a day 5 days a week

CoreSenses delivers the Arrowsmith Program exercises fulltime and part time, online and in person.

Classes are delivered online and on site at the following AEST times:


Monday: 2pm – 4pm; 4pm – 6pm

Tuesday: 2pm – 4pm; 4pm – 6pm

Wednesday: 2pm – 4pm; 4pm – 6pm

Classes run from February to December.


Holiday schedule:

April 7 - April 21, 2023

July 3 – July 14, 2023

September 25 - October 6, 2023

Anzac Day: April 25th 

Monarch’s Official Birthday: June 12th

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(Hover over each box to learn more)

#1 Motor Symbol Sequencing

Ability to learn and produce written sequence of symbols

Writing out the alphabet, or a sequence of numbers, or expressing thought in speech are problems for children and adults with this dysfunction.


Words may be misread, or handwriting may be messy and irregular.


While focussing on writing, the content is often neglected, and sometimes the same word is spelt different ways on the same page.


#2 Symbol Relations

Ability to understand the relationships among two or more concepts

Children and adults with this dysfunction oftentimes have an inability to read an analog clock; to discern the difference between the hour and minute hands.


They have trouble with cause and effect relationships like why events happen. Grammar and reading comprehension suffer because the relationships between elements or characters are not understood.


For many with this dysfunction, there is a constant sense of uncertainty about whether the intended meaning (while reading or listening) has been correctly understood.


#5 Broca’s Speech Pronunciation

Ability to learn to pronounce syllables and then integrate them into the stable and consistent pronunciation of a word

With this dysfunction, struggling with thinking and talking at the same time, requiring more concentration to pronounce words, or sometimes losing one’s train of thought are all typical problems.


These difficulties result in shyness (quietness) in new situations involving talking with people, and a tendency to get drowned out by people who find it easier to speak.


#9 Non-Verbal Thinking (Artifactual Thinking)

Ability to register and interpret non-verbal information and plan and problem solve non-verbally

Is your child’s behaviour sometimes inappropriate for the situation?


Children and adults with this dysfunction often have trouble registering and interpreting their own emotions, or the facial expressions and body language of others.


In class, a student may not be able to interpret a teacher’s reactions—therefore not knowing if the teacher approves of her work or not.


#6 Symbolic Thinking

Ability to develop and maintain plans and strategies through the use of language

Is your child easily distracted from a task and frequently labelled as having a short attention span?


Children and adults with this dysfunction cannot maintain the focus of their attention in their studies, job or a social situation.


They are often passive in learning situations, unable to plan how to start a task.


#3 Memory for Information or Instructions

Ability to remember chunks of auditory information

With this dysfunction, parents often times think their child is being stubborn, irresponsible or lazy because they ask their child to do something but it doesn’t get done.


The reason is because the child forgets.


If the child is told to do something, but then gets distracted, the instruction will be totally forgotten, to the point where he may insist that the request was never made.


#7 Symbol Recognition

Ability to visually recognize and remember a word or symbol

Does your child study a word many times before she can visually memorize it, recognize it, and then say it correctly the next time she sees it?


Often children and adults with this dysfunction cannot recognize a word like “house” as the same word she has seen before.


The result: learning to read and spell words is a very slow process.


#4 Predicative


Ability to see how words and numbers interconnect sequentially into fluent sentences and procedures

Does your child try to be helpful, or do they often do something without asking beforehand?


With this dysfunction, a child is not capable of considering the possible consequences of the action beforehand.


For example, the child washes his father’s car that has just been waxed, or the child trims the tree in the front yard almost cutting it down.


#8 Lexical Memory

Ability to remember several unrelated words in a series

Does your child have trouble learning the names of things?


This dysfunction is associated with trouble remembering more than three words in a series, or that one word is a synonym for another.


#10 Quantification Sense

Ability to carry out internal sequential mental operations, such as mental math.

Does counting on fingers sound familiar?


Problems with math and counting processes could signal trouble with your child’s quantification sense.


This dysfunction impairs a child or adult from doing mathematics inside his or her head, or carrying out internal sequential mental operations.

Arrowsmith Exercises


Contact us today for an obligation free discussion about our program

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CoreSenses’ guides people through the Arrowsmith Program which strengthens the neural pathways in the brain that support all facets of life skills. Our goal is 'Success for Every Student'

Copyright ©2021 CoreSenses. All rights reserved.

Get in Touch

Suite 3 / 385 Pacific Highway Crows Nest 2065

Australia - +61 2 7252 2527

USA/Canada - +1 213 634 7857

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